All Bretonnian Armies Feel the same in late game. (hear me out)
Something I've just now noticed is that every single late game bretonnia is the exact same, lots of grail knights and Hippogryph Knights.
I know this sounds really dumb, "it's freaking brettonia...what else would you expect?"
but hear me out, Khorne is all melee, yet you can choose daemons, mortals, or monster mash. Beastmen are all monsters, but do you want monstruous infantry? do you want single entities? and not too mention just how *many* monsters you have to choose from.
now I know bretonnia is supposed to be about knights, and not only that, this is pretty much there whole roster in game. but here's a 2 solutions in my mind to help the bland sameyness bretonnia has.
- make peasant infantry...better.
again I know! peasant's are supposed to be terrible, they are supposed to be bad, but this is just under half the entire bretonnian roster. in the mid to late game, you just can't have a peasant only army, you will be slaughtered. But again, this isn't skaven slaves, where it's two units you can forget about after turn 10. or marauders you can easily upgrade into chaos warriors. this is half your roster! half your roster is unusable by turn 30 or so, or has to be massively outweighed by knights. I think something should be changed. I know in multiplayer I think there relatively balanced. So maybe new techs can help buff your peasants so they can still be used by the late game for campaign. or peasant buffing hero's can added! yeoman veterans are a thing in lore and would be a nice hero! or maybe I just really suck at using peasants which is entirely possible
I think knight units should be able to take vows that really shake the game up would be cool. perhaps a vow of empathy makes them foot knights, or maybe vow of the joust makes them really good shock cav at the cost of them not lasting long in prolonged melee. I think vows would really help differentiate how each armies cavalry works! heck maybe they can use different colors to show what vow that unit has taken to really show how custom each army is.
but this is just my thoughts, maybe I'm completely off. what are yalls thoughts on bretonnia's armies?