Is bretonnia infantry too weak?
Last night I was having a conversation on discord. And they are convinced bretonnia infantry is perfectly fine as it is. But I am thinking bretonnia infantry is far too weak, even for peasents.
I know I know, bretonnia infantry is supposed to be weak, it's supposed to be nothing more then a meat shield. But...they don't even do that job well. They don't even last long enough before my knights can get into position. And this isn't like skavenslaves, or knoblars where it's a small part of your roster, this is more then half the roster. Half your roster can't do its role properly by turn 20. They just get melted by anything and everything. I think peasant infantry either need more health, or more model count, or both. I also think there techs can be a little better, to help there endurance.
Maybe I just suck at using bretonnia, and the discord server is right. What are y'all's thoughts?