I came out to my parents who I thought were supportive lol

Basically I wrote a letter to my parents coming out as gay and trans and everything seemed fine in the moment. But as time passed it was pretty obvious they weren’t rlly ok with it there would be numerous times where my mom would be talking on her phone and sorta angrily mention how kids are so confused nowadays and how she never had this problem nowadays and yada yada. Once she even confronted me indirectly by asking me if I’ve watched any anime recently (I haven’t) and when I responded she went on a mini tirade abt how anime can confuse kids and that some are weird. I basically replied saying I’m not confused, she then asked what I meant by that and I just doubled down saying I’m not confused abt anything and I’m not being mind controlled by an anime or something then walked away. But nothing is as bad as how my dad took it imo bc he went on a rant abt how he’s noticed some changes in me over the past years (still never really elaborated on it btw) and how I could just saying I’m trans for attention bc I have anxiety (which made no sense) and then he brought up how in my letter I wrote abt how 8 YEAR OLD me thought I was intersex after some 8 YEAR OLD YouTube research and then said u can’t know ur intersex without blood work and xyz (which I kinda figured but then again I was 8 when I did my research). Then he also brought up how I said I feel more feminine on some days and more masculine others and told me and I freakin quote “I just don’t see it, u have broad shoulders and wide feet” he said a third but I don’t remember much since I tried to block out this memory. And he also added how after I fell and hit my head like 5 years ago all of a sudden there was that sudden shift and like idk if that’s how head injuries work but it just made me feel like I was delusional just another person who’s confused or doing it for attention (which was literally my biggest fear abt figuring my identity) and I wrote in my letter I don’t want to be seen as delusional but he made me feel that way. Ik I probably should have said literally anything but I couldn’t find the words at all so I just stood in the cold as he lectured me as I tried to not laugh at the audacity (ig?) at the situation. But that’s all idk if I post this here or somewhere else but this is the first place I thought of so thx for reading if u did bc this is js me yapping lol.