With an uncertain future ahead of our world, consider downloading what we find valuable regarding trans and other LGBTQ+ media. Enjoy watching videos about queer theory and history? Have a local or independent paper that features LGBTQ+ culture or events? Flyers? Own or know of queer books? Medical & psychology textbooks and resources? Save that shit. Keep it. Download it. Cultivate your own library of our history & culture, keep everything, and bury it in a box in your backyard if you have to.

The removal of TQ+ from government websites may be the tip of the iceberg and it would be irresponsible as a community not to prepare to hold on to our history and culture. This is a responsibility we must take seriously. We must bolster what we have in the now so that there will be no debate in the future whether or not we existed and were openly accepted. Preserve our proof, do not assume anyone will do it for you. Make it unquestionable when someone in the future asks about our history. This is how we "hang in there", this is how we show the world we cannot and will not be erased.

If it is safe for you to hold on to our memorabilia, you have nothing to lose. If we are lucky enough this ends up being unnecessary, then just think of it as a fun thing to collect. We do not know what or if they will remove anything from public view next.

Consider returning to physical media, this is much harder to take away. Burn CDs, print out online posts and resources (from the Wayback Machine if you want to go the extra mile), make zines or fill up USBs and hard drives if that's more accessible.

Become a collector.
Resist erasure.
Let's make our own beautiful libraries!