NHS advice on blockers for early puberty
This is an extremely obvious point which has probably been made on here many times. That said, I'm surprised how rarely I hear this pointed out in debates around puberty blockers so I just thought I would vent a little and maybe it would be a helpful reminder to one or two people...
As we all know, puberty blockers have been prescribed to children of all genders for early onset puberty for decades and continue to be prescribed for this purpose. As we also know from the UK media, puberty blockers are also highly experimental and dangerous and are more or less the moral equivalent to giving children heroine to help with headaches and crack cocaine when they feel tired.
Both these points (though mostly the latter) are heard pretty frequently. what seems to come up a little less is this: given the awful, scary, dangerous nature of these powerful and untested drugs, just how dangerous must early puberty be for it to justify such drastic intervention?
Fortunately, and with apparently zero awareness of the irony, the NHS reassures us that, while early puberty can sometimes indicate serious underlying issues, in most cases there is no real cause for concern. In fact, all that is required for these powerful drugs to be considered appropriate for a child with early puberty is that it is causing them 'significant distress'. Hmm... what was it gender dysphoric trans children were experiencing again???
Like I said, I'm sure this point has been made plenty of times, but it's always good to remember it as from personal experience I've found it to be extremely effective for helping to 'enlighten' people who have been caught up in the media frenzy...
Disclaimer and trigger warning: this post contains both sarcasm and, punctuation errors