Brother-in-law ruins his son's Nintendo switch
So my brother and I went together and bought a switch for my 2 young nephews last year for Christmas, along with several accessories. And to say they love it is an understatement... They adore this thing, and love talking their uncles about all of the games they've been playing. It actually makes me happy to see as it reminds me of my brother and I when we were younger. (We bonded a lot playing games growing up)
So I guess one day they were outside board. And as kids do, had a not so great idea or intrusive thought and carved both of their names into the side of their fathers truck using a rock... Now, this isnt a very nice truck and is really just used to get around the property but he was very upset nonetheless. He's telling me about this happening just the other day and I say to him
"You know I made sure to put a screen protector on the switch we gave them."
He just stared at me.
"So if someone were to write on it, it wouldn't hurt it."
Skip to now and the Nintendo switch has in big bold letters "DAD" right across the screen.
They were mortified.
I'm sure he'll leave it on for a good couple weeks before telling and removing it to make sure it doesn't happen again.