Dutasteride 0.5 ED. 3 Months (INSANE REGROWTH)

20/09/24 (Damp)


20/12/2024 (Damp)


Story My balding started at age 16. I got on on Finasteride on my 17th birthday and maintained well until my 20th where I began to lose ground again I cannot show pics as I lost my old phone. The top picture is the day I switched from Finasteride to Dutasteride cold turkey. My regimen was 0.5mg ED at night before bed and dermarolling EOD. After about 2 weeks on Dutasteirde I noticed 0 hair fall on my pillow whereas on Finasteride I was always shedding like crazy even when hand combing. I honestly didn't expect such regrowth to happen so quickly, my hair type is 3A-3B. This drug is gold.

Side Effects

Slight pain on my pelvic area which went away after 2 days I believe it was my prostate adjusting to the treatment (experienced on Finasteride also). I had slight insomnia in the first week which went away after continual use. Crazy libido increase like I have never seen before this was the hardest side effect to deal with.