Very Low T. Will I have to start TRT?

25/M, 5'10", 278 pounds. I had blood work done and my T came out to 123 ng/dL! I'm honestly freaking out a bit. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist this coming Monday to discuss the results. For some further context, I am obese. I need to lose about 100-115 pounds. My lifestyle has been pretty shitty. Sleep schedule all over the place. Depressed and anxious. Since the New Year's, I've made some big changes and have dropped a bit of weight so far. Additionally, I am 99% sure I have a varicocele(s) and I heard that can have a big impact in lowering T levels. If I get that addressed and lose all the weight, while improving my overall lifestyle, etc., do you think it's possible to have normal T levels without having to jump to TRT?