Is this level of suck reasonable?
I'm an über beginner and have been taking lessons for about 7months and on most days I get in about 30min total practice. My question is: Is the level of suck, on this video of myself playing, reasonable for the time I've been taking lessons/practicing?
I get everyone's journey is different and that it can take some time to even get to a point of being a mediocre player but since I hate so much how I sound when I record myself, I was wondering if I just need to continue to push through until I get to the other side, or if I should be rethinking my approach.
My goal is just to play for fun and I do enjoy playing, it's just I'd also like to sound ok-ish at some point...
Out of love for you all the video is a short 20sec. Also sorry for the weird angle, not big on seeing myself floating around in the Internet🥷🏽