Isthmocele Infertility

I just wanted to share this in case it could help anyone. I had a c-section and then was unable to conceive for 7 cycles after. By the 4th failed cycle I knew something was wrong. I had up to 5 days of spotting after my period which I'd never had before and never got fertile CM. I had my doctor do an ultrasound and check for an isthmocele. Sure enough, there it was. I sought out a specialist (in NYC,I live in Maine) and she confirmed I needed a laparoscopic repair to remove this. There is a HIGH rate of success for women able to conceive after surgery. Don't expect the medical field to be your advocate, sometimes you have to push. Isthmocele's are a new concept that most OBs don't know about but are so so common with increasing c-sections and have real effects on fertility. It never hurts to ask.

**Edit to this! I would also HIGHLY recommend getting tested for endometritis. It's often linked with an isthmocele and was the final barrier for me in getting pregnant.