Only 18DPO and I'm so done
I seriously thought I had better willpower than this. I'm done wearing the faja and feeling compressed and itchy and uncomfortable all the time. I'm tired of having to navigate a series of flaps, hooks, or straps every time I have to go to the bathroom. I'm done sleeping on my back with pillows that slide and waking up every 90 minutes all night. I'm done sitting all day. I'm exhausted from having to count calories again to maintain my weight because I'm so bored and tired, I want to snack all day and I can't go work out to get that endorphin hit. I'm so happy with how I look. I just don't know how I'm going to make it through 3 more weeks of 24/7 compression, boredom, and discomfort.
Anyone else? How do we make it through? Right now I just want to rip off this compression wear, go for a jog, and get in the hot tub.