Jacoby's role in Laura's death
The more I think about it, the more I resent Dr Jacoby.
Leland aside, he surely has to be the 2nd biggest douchebag in her life.
The fact that he was treating her without her parents' knowledge strongly implies that Laura herself approached him.
So Laura actually tried to get help, and instead of finding an adult who could
A) Recognise the obvious symptoms of poor parenting/abuse
B) Be a non-sexual confidante
She ended up with damn Jacoby, who was too busy singing Kumbaya and playing philosopher to do his job.
I know the whole town failed Laura, but at least most of the people who knew her were either kids (Bobby, James, Donna), largely oblivious (Dr Hayward) or insane (Harold Smith).
Jacoby is like the one guy who actually stood a decent chance at saving Laura.