Tina Dow/Chiarelli worst professor at ucf
I will never forget when my grandpa died and she literally did not care and made take the exam still or get a 0. The email was super snarky too. She has so much bad karma. Hands down she made my ucf experience 50% worse
Update: This happened my freshman or sophomore year, I'm a senior now graduating soon. I was just thinking about it because I saw her name pop up and remembered the trauma associated with it, and how much I despised her. I looked back at her email response to me and it was so fuckinf rude.
I did pass the class but honestly it's not about the grades or having a lower grade/being unhappy with my grade. It's more of morality because my other 4 professors had enough sympathy to let me reschedule. One shouldn't have to be thinking about exams when dealing with immediate family death.