Law Grad, almost at rock bottom with getting a job
As the title says, i've seriously run out of steam when applying for legal roles.
After graduating in July 2023 I thought i'd target paralegal roles to get some experience under my belt. I had been unsuccessful in securing any TC for 2 years in a row (not too disheartened about as it is extremely competitive) and was unsuccessful again this recent round- it is still a long-term goal of mine but I am okay with waiting for the opportunity to arise.
Fast forward a year later, I must be some 200+ applications deep, with no luck. At this stage i'm more flattered at the automated rejection emails than I am getting ghosted by recruiters or interviewers. I can imagine a lot of you in my position relate, but spending my days off my hospitality job writing cover letters in exchange for automated emails is so deflating. I have averaged an interview per month since graduating, some having to travel into London for (spending at least a days wage on the tickets/food etc) only to be told the job has been given to someone with experience- for a job targeted at graduates with no experience.
I get the markets competitive, I get you need to persevere, I get you need to be resilient... because I have been. I have been grinding away for over a year now, reassuring my parents i'll get there, trying to shut the noise out from others as to why I haven't gotten on with my life yet. It feels like my life has been put on pause after such a high getting a first class at Uni. I don't know how much longer I can do this before settling in this hospitality job for the rest of my life. I used to be in love with the law at Uni, now i'm considering whether its the right path for me at all.
So this is where I am now, i'm asking for desperate advice, contacts, suggestions. Be as specific or as general as you wish. I'll take recommendations on career changes, read through career paths and different stories. I'll absorb anything given to me by my fellow reddit users.
Any help is greatly appreciated, here is to one more saving grace.
Thank you in advance- JM