unO enthusiasts I need your ideas!

if you have anything to say about even ONE of these questions I'd be very grateful to read them!😊

I dumped a bunch of questions lacking definitive answers. Tangents about the series that I want to get out and see what other people think of, cuz I'm all about unOrdinary right now.

Also if any of these are basic questions that already have a consensus, it's my first day on the sub 😭😭 so I didn't know

1 Can John use Sera's ability? Sera's ability is kinda nonphysical... like people visibly turn gray = freeze? And we see her move faster? So it's not like Claire's abliity, which is all mental and can't be copied. I feel like he can't copy Vaughn or Orrin.

2 Can John beat Sera? Could he? The answer to this kinda depends on if he can copy her ability. And, with the anticipated training of Cameron, how strong he gets.

3 Who wins: Vaughn of Sera? (low-key Sera is probably stronger)

4 Will we get tales of what Jane and Cameron have done? What they can do? Literally. I feel like we will in S3, and I'm so excited. Based on them, we will learn more about what John may do.

5 Why hasn't Kuyo released the footage of the Ember agents? What happens when he does? Once he does, the reader's perception of the authority will no longer be that of an untouchable titan, but as an entity with their end (albeit just barely) visible on the horizon.

6 What do you guys think about Sylvia (the new headmaster; maybe her name is Silvia). She doesn't seem to be with the corrupt authorities, yet didn't suspect Farrah that much. Plus uru-chan liked a comment making that observation, so I dunno... is there a network of powerful people all in on this?

Also Sera could beat her right? and John in a fair 1v1? and if them, then all the people stronger?

7 Cameron vs Seraphina. Surelyyyyyyy Cameron wins.

8 Is Arlo really coming back to S3 with his whole personality and development wiped? It looked like Farrah was wiping more than just memories of the incident (based on the past scenes that were drawn to be shattering). That's fucking depressing if it's happening. I hope there's plot armor. At the same time, it'd be interesting to see what uru does with if him. If there isn't, then what would Val think of it? Farrah may justify it to her by explaining that Arlo found out about EMBER.

Like I see some commenters saying Kass will set him straight. Or will Val instill her ideologies into him, and make him a pain in the ass for readers? I feel like uru wouldn't just throw away a personality like that though... IDK

9 Will Vaughn and Keene meet up with the main characters? This is wishful thinking, but I'm sort of imagining the final season to bring all of our beloved characters together, as a team, against the organized powers (spectre and authorities). Like Jane. OH my god if Jane comes back and reunites and helps out that'll be so satisfying. At the same time, Spectre isn't even that strong... like Orrin isn't invincible.

10 What will Cameron and Jane think of the stuff the characters have been going through? Mainly, I'm talking about the corruption and criminal activity they are uncovering about the authorities and Spectre. Surely, they side with the kids?

11 Season 3—the final season 😭—will have a lot of content right? Like there might be another three years of this Webtoon updating, if it's another 150 episodes.

12 Will we learn more about Neil and Miranda? More characters who Uru can cover in S3. So many mysteries.

13 SHIPPING CHARACTERS. Will Jera happen? (uru keeps teasing us). Blyke and Remi? Doc and Leilah probably stick together; unless Uru kills one of them, which would be heartbreaking. How would their kids end up?? Will we see it happen? Praying we do.

14 Who will die in S3? I feel like for story's sake, sacrifices have and always will be made... even though I don't really want it to happen.

15 Will William come back? Not literally; but like is there an ability to reconnect with the dead? harry potter resurrection stone type shit? I dunno... I just really want to see how William would take in John's development. Plus, he never got to reconnect with his wife.

16 Will the series end with Spectre's EXTREME goal of creating a powerless society? Where everybody becomes cripples/lack abilities, just like in William's unOrdinary? I said extreme because their goal, I believe, is just to drive society away from TOTALLY favoring power.

17 any news on s3 return? jw if there's any updates.

i really like Kass, Doc, and how John and Sera became friends. I just love the characters. and this Webtoon

The questions were all over the place and probably unanswerable, but if you have any theories/predictions/thoughts to add on I'd LOVE to read them!