Punishment should not always be the solution when someone does something wrong

I notice that often times if someone does something wrong the first reaction of people is to suggest punishing the person or deciding what the consequence should be. People also seem to generally consider a person not wanting to be punished as a sign that they lack remorse and aren’t willing to change, when I don’t think this is really the case the way people think it is. A person can be willing to be punished while being unwilling to change their behavior, and a person can try to avoid punishment while still admitting to themselves that what they did was wrong and that they need to change. It seems like often the default view people have seems to be that the reason someone would do something wrong is that they think they can get away with it when often times that’s either not the case or it’s more complicated than that. I think if someone needs consequences in order to not do something wrong then there’s other reasons they’re doing something wrong that aren’t being addressed. Actions having consequences aren’t really where values come from the way people often think they do, as things like empathy, and the desire to live in a functioning society, as well as modeling others is how people really get their values. I don’t think punishment should always be the solution or even typically be the solution if someone does something wrong.