A trade for Christmas

Hello I am trying to get my mom a Christmas present. This year was very difficult for me financially for 2 months I was in the hospital so I didn’t get paid obviously. I have autism and I work 8 hours a week and I go to a day program the other time but I haven’t been paid in over 4 months because I couldn’t go to work. My mom also gets my ssi but it’s used for rent and bills and food. I really want to get my mom something for Christmas but I have no money. I like to draw and I was wondering is there any local business that would be willing to do a trade with me? Maybe I can give you a drawing of whatever you would like and we can trade for a gift card to your restaurant or I know she would love a massage if you own a spa. If you have any connections to see a Broadway play that would be something else she loves. I would trade where I could walk your dog in exchange for something but I cannot be paid under the table as I don’t want to break the law or get my ssi cut. My mom is in her 60’s and I’m in my 30’s. I’m open to more ideas to trade too. I’m just having a hard time thinking of what to do. Thank you for any idea what to do. I would ask buy nothing but my mom would see that because she’s in the Facebook group.