
I saw on-line that UPS STORES will notarize paperwork for around $10/page up to a certain amount of pages?

Can anyone confirm anything about this?

Dependant on state, store, or even a thing they do anymore?

Trying to avoid paying 20-40 for ONE piece of paper to be notarized. Cuz it's stupid (tho I legally understand it) that I gotta pay to get a paper signed so you can pay ME.

Any info helps and also I'm in Louisiana in the Baton Rouge area

Edit: I did find some UPS stores near me that have a notary for a very decent price. Thank you to all that tried to help and answer my question. And I also apologize that I came to this page that I was informed in comments is for UPS workers to vent, not customers to ask questions. Sorry about that. But appreciate the help to those who answered regardless. Ty.