Midlifers...have you found it harder to find another job after a year or so on the road? In the USA

Mid 40s single guy, realizing I'm just unhappy with....everything. Don't like my job, kind of over even working a W2 wage job altogether, my house and all the crap I've accumulated hasn't made me any happier, my living area has gone to crap over the past few years, and there's really no other place around here that I'd want to move to either.

Rough guesstimates puts me around having $500K in the bank after selling my house/paying off mortgage and selling any thing I can't take with me, which given the usual $2000/month expenses number, covers me for 20+ years without even accounting for interest gains. But I know it's not realistic to expect to be able to do this for the rest of my life, just from a physical capability standpoint. Eventually I'll probably have to move back to a house somewhere.

Part of me is thinking about maybe just taking a year off, do some traveling, and reevaluate at that point. But then knowing some times it's hard enough to find new employment at this stage in life, I wonder if taking a year off "to find myself" and then not having a permanent address, at this age would unnecessarily make that hunt even harder? I did a number of impulse moves across the country in my 20s without a job waiting for me, but the world was a different place then, and I always had at least a house to go to.

I've done several multi-week road trips in the van before, and am 100% confident I can handle it full time for a year plus easy. But I'm also in the middle of a complete rebuild, so this isn't entirely an impulse decision, and figure I'm probably at least 3 months away from it being road ready again...so I have some thinking time.