Replacement for Firefly 2.0
Looking to replace my Firefly 2.0 as it's seen better days! A bit overwhelmed by all the options and looking for some advice on what to get. Some more context for my situation:
Firefly is my first and only vaporizer which was gifted to me by a friend. Not a fan of the restricted airflow, and not being able to control temps (can't access the app).
Price range, looking for medium range but quite flexible.
Number of participants, just me!
Looking for a portable battery powered device.
I'm based in the UK, so would love something that produces minimal smell and is discreet like the Firefly.
A few devices I have seen/am thinking about PAX Plus, DynaVap M7, XMax V3 Pro.
Thanks in advance for those who take the time to help ☺️