Replacement for Firefly 2.0

Looking to replace my Firefly 2.0 as it's seen better days! A bit overwhelmed by all the options and looking for some advice on what to get. Some more context for my situation:

  • Firefly is my first and only vaporizer which was gifted to me by a friend. Not a fan of the restricted airflow, and not being able to control temps (can't access the app).

  • Price range, looking for medium range but quite flexible.

  • Number of participants, just me!

  • Looking for a portable battery powered device.

  • I'm based in the UK, so would love something that produces minimal smell and is discreet like the Firefly.

  • A few devices I have seen/am thinking about PAX Plus, DynaVap M7, XMax V3 Pro.

Thanks in advance for those who take the time to help ☺️