Apocalypse Survival for Vegans?

Given the state of the world right now, I'm trying to collect a compendium of resources about how to survive an apocalypse as a vegan. I'm a committed vegan, and plan to remain that way were the world to enter an apocalyptic era. And this brings me to my question;

Does anybody have any book recommendations for surviving in an un-modernized world as a vegan? I'm talking homesteading, food and textile growth/creation, candle making, resource management, water purification, etc.

I tried looking for an all-in-one book that would cover the essentials of surviving and thriving as a vegan in the end times, but I just couldn't find anything of the sort. It's a damn shame too, because I know there's an abundance of books of the like that aren't committed to the sustainability and practicality that I feel veganism could offer in times like that.

So, if anybody has any recommendations whatsoever that they feel could benefit the vegan community in these unprecedented times, please, do share!