Feeling like a "bad vegan"
I'm not taking great care of myself (not a poster child for the lifestyle).
I'm the only vegan in my household (wife, 2 kids, MIL all carnists) (went vegan after having both kids and being married).
So, I buy animal products constantly, and prep them. Also have a dog and 2 cats (cats adopted prior to veganism, dog after, all rescues). Vegan food for the pets even seems like a silly endeavor, since no one else would be onboard. Have tried a few brands to maybe mix vegan/non vegan food together, but no takers (not that cats typically love moving to a new food anyways).
My work is full of a-holes and I work remote mostly, so I am not "out" at work. I do have a digestive disease which makes a convenient scapegoat.
I'm also bad (trying to get better) at IDing non vegan things. After 3 years I think I am doing OK, but I also realize I didn't really put effort into selecting my car (beyond, obv, no leather seats), I've put 0 thought into electronics, and while I don't use a crazy amount of toiletries I still haven't researched everything I use - I tend to forget until I've bought it and I may not replace it for a whole year if it's something like hair gel or crap like that.
Obviously I can read labels, but even then you'll see natural flavors and such sneak through if I didn't have an app up to check. Still don't honestly know how to check beer and wine (not that I drink much).
Maybe it's being so isolated (not only do I have 0 vegan friends, I have only knowingly seen a single vegan in the last 15 years - at an animal sanctuary) - maybe it's the current political climate near me (American), but it's just exhausting. Feels so shitty. Hard to feel like I'm doing anything at all.
Doesn't make me want to stop (not at all), but it's honestly so draining. Anyone else in this boat?