No, chickens do not share their eggs
My parents will go on and on about eggs being completely fine because the chickens lay eggs and abandon them, or even worse, they "share" their eggs with us. I have refrained from being rude to them on every front, but I'm almost convinced they're just stupid.
No. Just no. Chickens DO NOT "share" their eggs. Animals DO NOT "share" with us. They have no capacity to consent, and taking anything that belongs to them is stealing by definition. The fact people can't tell the difference between consent and silence is devastatingly concerning.
Are these people braindead? Do they know what they're doing? Will they bother to listen to any studies I show them? I'm utterly confused at how this can possibly be the conclusion of a non-vegan.
I let my frustration dictate my language, and it's not productive to insult people for the sake of my argument. I've seen some good responses to this post and I want to correct and clarify after reconsidering: It is not unreasonable to suggest that animals do share in some circumstances. However, this is still not a justification for taking eggs, nor is it true that chickens will share their eggs with humans.
The defense for backyard chickens would hold more water if we lived in a cruelty-free utopia completely absent of factory farming. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The large, OVERWHELMING (99%) majority of animals are factory farmed. The majority of chickens come from factory farms, and have suffered from the inhumane breeding for egg production. The amount of eggs laid by chickens and hens today is not normal at all. Just like vegans wouldn't wear leather that was already produced, or from an animal that already died naturally, eating eggs is not vegan and only supports the egg industry. These eggs belong to the chickens and hens, they are not ours, they don't belong to us.