Grow up
Im so sick of my boyfriend always prioritizing his family, I’m the one that takes care of him in every aspect but he always puts me last. He even puts his friend as priorities. We let his sister and her family move in with us and he sees them every single fucking day and on are weekends we spend the whole day with them too. But when I just want one day for us alone he already made plans without even telling about them or asking me if I want to go out. We spent thanksgiving, Christmas and new years at his cousins house with them cause he promised me we would go to my family’s house after and he just got drunk and told me to just stay the whole day with them. And I couldn’t even see my family cause we were using his car that day. It’s always the same shit. We both work we both pay bills and we’ve been living together for 2 years. I’m so sick of him. He will literally leave me alone in our bedroom and just be with his family the whole day. I never say anything cause I don’t want him to thinking I’m trying to pull him away from them but he’s so immature. I sometimes make plans to go out in a date cause we never do anything alone and he will invite them to our f dates. I’m so sick