Life vent unmotivated
I work a minuim wage job and probably will forever. The company i work for has super strict policies ,but ive haven't able to keep any other job longer then this . Eventually, it be nice to transfer. My spending habits are awful that I have my mom in charge of my savings account. I depleted it many times. My mom want me to move out with my sister ,but she allergic to pets and i need one for emotional support . I have a dbt therapist, but we don't do talk therapy and I just so lonely and im trying to quit nicotine too . I just always feel out of place and I dont even care to get a man anymore. I have the choice to move out ,but not enough to do it alone and my mom says it better to buy then rent. I hate staying in my hometown . Idk where to go and I can't afford it alone. But my twin and I need to separate. Also I don't drive and no one seems to date me because of it. I occasionally Uber and mostly have my mom drive me around. But she complains. Idk what to do anymore. Because I have driving refresher apt soon but it won't matter bc a car is so expensive and idk if I can / want to take it on . Im scared to drive with my learning disabilities. My mom won't let me use her car but I have my liscene. Im just sick of this life what the point f29