Just ranting about healthcare in VT
Rant incoming.....
I can't sleep because I'm in so much pain. I spent 5 hours in the ER and they did nothing. Today I had to purchase a walker because my level of pain has affected my mobility to the point where I can't walk normal. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, and I'm assuming based on my conversation with them that they are going to send me back to the ER. I'm missing so much work to do all of this. Honestly I've never asked for a prescription for painkillers and have actually REFUSED to be given pain killers when I was in the hospital in the past but at this point I need something so that I can work and pay my rent and take care of my pets and LIVE MY LIFE. I have cat boxes to clean. A dog to walk. I NEED to be able to function until they can figure out what's causing my pain and come up with a solution. Maybe, just maybe, the inability of working people to get the medication that they need is contributing to the drug problem and the homelessness problem. I understand that providers are hesitant to prescribe narcotics because of the crisis in VT but they need to be able to differentiate someone who actually needs it versus someone who doesn't. Someone who has a "normal" life but their level of pain is turning their world upside down. If I don't get the pain relief that I need, I am going to end up losing my job, not being able to pay my rent, and then BAM! I'll be a part of the homeless community and pulled into everything that comes along with that. I wonder how many other people this has happened to... Again, this is just a 2am rant.