My next play: Bullish on HPE earnings

HPE is definitely the red headed step-child in the server market. However, at this point its valuation is becoming attractive.

My bullish case is:

  1. They haven’t really participated in this AI rally yet like SMCI or DELL.
  2. I think they finally are getting their shit together and actually bringing compelling (or at least viable) products to market. At least all of their marketing messaging seems to be all in on AI.
  3. Shares and calls are cheap.
  4. If Dell does well on earnings, I think HPE will also get a lift. You can play it more risky by getting in today, or safer by getting in after Dell ER.

So, I’m just hoping for the “me too” effect here next ER mostly.

Position: 200 $20c for 6/7 and 200 $20c for 9/20.

Edit: Hey Mods, can I get a flare... like "WSB Tech Anal-ist"