Fallen Soldier
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User Report | \n\n | \n | \n |
Total Submissions | \n1 | \nFirst Seen In WSB | \n1 week ago | \n
Total Comments | \n10 | \nPrevious Best DD | \n\n |
Account Age | \n5 years | \n\n | \n |
Sounds like my dad.
\nIt isn't a fallen soldier... Tis a scared regard who shall lose his bag-eth
\nNo he sold if for 50k from what I remember. When we called him Edward Paperhands he said "50k is 50k" or something.
\n50k was left out of orignal capital and he said, better than zero or something haha
\nR. I. P.
\nwhere do these regards get the money to do shit like that?
\nA job.
\nI need one of those jobs
\nI as well
\ngreed spreads like wildfire
\nThats something I would do
\nSir this needs a NSFW designation for the horrors committed.
\nCareful, might turn out to be another egghead taking his revenge on the world and buying reddit rather than twitter just to make your life even more miserable.