+70k by luck on $HIMS
Ok i don't post every single trades of my morning gambling session but this one is funny so i got share.
Yesterday i bought a put spread on $HIMS after reading there was concern about their fake ozempic and shit, didn't do much research, i hate this company and go short everytime it gives me a chance.
This morning i was happy i did the spread because just put would have yielded just a tiny more but with more risk. (+10k it was at this moment)
But i couldn't close properly the combo and started to be annoyed, I just went to close it leg by let. When i closed the short leg, leaving the 93k Put 50 alone the Voices started whispering and.. i left the pos open to run...
You know the rest, market went tits up, all sea of red, $HIMS went -18٪ to - 26٪ and netted me 74k.
I added a screen of my others pos for transparency almost -20k unlrz.
I played hd/low puts on the belief tax war will make them lower guidance (canadian wood, not my idea, seemed dumb, i liked it).
i went tempus for double pump with nvidia (that filthy hag rug pulled me again) I keep it cause nvidia earning may bring it back from the deads.
Redcat, idk there is movement on their X, some speculate of a partnership, i hold, will dump 1 day prior to that event.
Zoom ? I dont like zoom, was a covid thing, let it die