An Ongoing DC Pizza Emergency
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference."
I lack wisdom.
There is an ongoing pizza emergency. The size of the delivery bags on the delivery scooters are too small for large pizzas from our favorite establishments. I'm utilizing this bag as a baseline, because it's the ones I see all over town:
The dimensions are 17LX17W
I cold called the following pizza places as a spot check, or picked up a za:
- Andy's Pizza - The Box is 18X18, doesn't fit.
- Wise Guys Pizza - 18inch pizza, doesn't fit,
- We, the pizza - 3 different size boxes for 3 different pizzas, 14, 16 and 20. 20 definitely won't fit. 16 maybe? 14 yes.
- Pazollis - Same deal. Large won't fit. Medium might fit, small will fit.
I called the Transpro company. I told him his delivery bags are too small and was promptly met with "Who is this?" "I'm just a guy who likes pizza" "What?" "Man, your bags are too small" "He said thanks boss and hung up.
This is how I feel right now: ""
This delivery bag situation puts pizza makers, delivery drivers and all of us in a nasty situation. Somehow, we got to get these guys wider bags. Until the bags are 4 inches wider, we lack the infrastructure for efficient pizza delivery in the nations capital.
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