Not over it? :(

Is anyone else having a hard time watching their content after the whole “leaving YouTube streaming service” debacle? I am a long time fan and I was so upset when it all first came out but honestly by now I can say that truly I think I can forgive and forget. I feel that they had good intentions and it was just this PR nightmare that they probably didn’t see coming and never meant to happen. All in all I still think they’re great guys who deserve recognition and support… but I struggle to watch them now. Before all this I probably had watched every video they made 3+ times over and continued watching them regularly even when they didn’t have a lot of new content. When I first learned about the whole leaving YouTube thing I thought “I just need to not watch them for a minute” bc it was so shocking and honestly I was having a rough time a few months ago and I didn’t want to add any more negativity to it all. My break from their content was never meant to be long term, especially since they apologized. They have been a staple in my life for so long. But it’s been months now and I sometimes get suggested their videos, old or new, and I just can’t bring myself to watch them. I just tried to watch top five beat down with drew gooden (another fav of mine) and as much as I love Drew and I was just watching his videos… I can’t explain it it doesn’t feel the same to me anymore. And that’s so sad because I so wish it wasn’t that way. Maybe I’m just associating them with a hard time I was going through this year or something… all I know is it’s so sad because I actually loved them so much and I’m so sad that I just can’t seem to feel that way anymore. I feel like they broke up with me :(