Kindly requesting tips for a MoH who's going wedding gown shopping with her bride!
First of all... My best friend has asked me to be her maid of honor!!! I was already doing the part because, you know, she's my best friend and I honestly wanted to help her with anything she needed. But now it's official and I could not be HAPPIER!!! Fun fact: in Spain, bridesmaids (bride/groom teams) aren't really a thing - most often, there's only maid of honor and best man, and usually, not even that! So, you know - that makes being the MoH even more special!
NOW, THE ACTUAL STUFF. Next week we are going wedding gown shopping for the first time. It's going to be the bride, her mom, and me. She knows what she wants, I know what she wants and how to word my advises and opinions properly, and we all know that the #1 priority is her comfort (she's not used to dresses).
The question is:
What extra mile can I walk to make sure I'm the most prepared and helpful MoH ever?
My list already includes carrying water and a small fan, bandaids (my bride is Miss Little Wounds), deodorant wipes, and anti-chafing cream. What else would you suggest?
All advise is welcome!!