For ALL the sellers pulling this bullshit - don’t stop ☺️😉 (read)

WE ask that you keep doing your buyer giveaways this way. Even though we already have a few months worth , we need more. So when the ball finally drops it doesn’t bounce , it fucking explodes. Whatnot has refused to take action so we’re fixing to hand everything over to a higher up. We’ve tried to warn you guys , we’ve tried to get you guys to stop , WE’VE TRIED.

I’m just using this seller as an example , because many , many more do it. Which , those who have - aren’t safe aswell :)

I’m convinced sellers who do this are illiterate super tards and have the reading comprehension skills of a kindergartner. Can’t read … or don’t WANT to read? Fine , so be it. Don’t sell on the fucking platform if you don’t even know the rules.

As for the sellers who say “they’re whatnot rep tells them otherwise” that’s all bullshit lies. LIES LIES LIES! Because we have a rep of our own 😉 WHO tells us “otherwise”

It’s not our fault for what’s to come. It’s whatnots. They’ve failed to make sellers KNOW & OBLIGE the rules. the fuck you think these sellers are gonna do? go WILLINGLY search up TOS? and when something happens that they didn’t expect , they act surprised? And throw an absolute shit fit that of a toddler?

Gotcha … 😜