Walt Disney World Cast Member - Steals Pins from WDW.
Very reputable Disney Pin seller on WHATNOT - Buys pins and convinces cast member to get more and as many as they can as often as they can.
Very reputable seller then continues to pay the cast member less and less everytime for the pins, telling them excuse after excuse why they are getting less and less, while they sell these said pins for $20,30 even $50 over the value of the item.
Cast Member decides to post pins on Facebook marketplace listed as a collection from trading.
The Florida Pickers make a one time purchase with this cast member , not knowing the origins of the Disney pins, or not knowing they were even cast at WDW.
The cast member then decides to go back and gloat to this very known pin seller, that they sold to me for a fair price and no longer need to deal with the extortion and fear tactics delivered by said seller to cast member.
Reputable Disney pin seller writes letter to Disney world tattling on cast for stealing from Disney, cast member gets fired. (Actually the first noble act from reputable pin seller through this) problem is…. They only did it because they themselves lost their stolen pin source!!
REPUTABLE PIN SELLER MAKES REDDIT ACCOUNT PRETEND_sprinkles251 or something like that and posts that the Florida pickers buy stolen pins and get cast members fired.
Evidence, Reddit allows you to search comment history. In this said comment history of this account they admit to be a seller in the Disney pin category (conflict of interest) they admit to also living in Polk county (near Disney world) narrowing down the possibilities greatly of who this person may be.
I take an educated guess because one seller who used to be my “friend” is upset I DE FRIENDED them… causing them fear that stories like this would one day come out…
More to come