Day 6 Eats and Check-in

So far today:


mix of orange juice, coconut water, juice from defrosted frozen berries

coffee and nutpods

2 hard boiled eggs

one slice Greenfield's bacon

bowl of sliced banana and frozen mixed berries

Snacks during Work Training (teacher, so back to in-service today!)

black coffee

"that's it" bar

orange juice


half a plain baked potato with green onions

lettuce, cucumber, mushrooms, red onion (no dressing)

leftover roast chicken



"that's it" bar


will either be leftover pot roast and veggies from last night OR turkey burgers (no bun) with fixings and airfryer potato wedges

Feeling super proud of myself for making the best of a work lunch I didn't realize was being provided today. My energy is through the roof!! I definitely didn't need the second coffee today, just wanted the taste of it. Getting more digestively regular by the day as I go. I've been having bad insomnia, so I'm going to have a sleep blend tea from my local tea shop before bed!

How is everyone feeling?