Beyond frustrated--Darius wins every matchup in Baron lane and gets fed too easily. Did he get a mega stat buff?
GM here for last few seasons. Baron is my preference followed by jungle. I'll be on Maokai, Jax, Riven, Irelia, Morde, Ornn, Pantheon, Xin, Lee regularly. I usually either stalemate or win lane as Ornn for example, my highest mastery (or Irelia) but I've run into a BIG PROBLEM: Darius. These Darius players, they're configured chemically differently. Yasuo and Yone are another issue. It gets to a point where there is no counterplay, no way to win or stalemate the lane. As Ornn, I know not to fight a Darius but there's no avoiding it sometimes.
One hook, you're done with his true damage. As Morde, I can't win a slugging match against Darius and my shield doesn't matter, and my ult is a death sentence for me, not him.
Doesn't matter about my jungler, if they come, the slick Darius players most often win the 2v1 and there's no counter.