Diamond rank... Is pretty bad. Any ideas on what to play as now?
Ever since ive got my diamond rank around a week ago ive been experiencing PEAK of trash teammates. People that cant bulid, people with just 20lvl on account. Of course afks, trolls & those who keep raging at chat & spam surrender.
Me, as a Support main which was literally top 95 on Seraphine recently but also trying to climb now on Senna has been carrying alot as a supp just to carry those who knows if even bots. But lol, this one is not about clocking tea on which players have i met. I'm just asking on which champions should i start playing right now to have a bigger win rate (or maybe even lane?) to get master rank.
Plz not champions like Leona or Naust. Those champions are weird for me to use (lol).
Ive been also randomly getting picked toplane like each 2-3 games now so maybe something new from that other than Akali?
There's also mid which i could focus more on as i'm a lvl 5 master Ahri player. Not sure if shes still buffed as she was?
And finally, pretty controversial but why not try Zoe Supp? I remember when she was released she was actually a supp champion so why not troll abit and use her to carry botlane? Ive seen alot of people recently using not prefered champions on different lanes which play really good such as sett on supp so why not? Also wild rift's reporting system is pretty much bad so there won't be any big problem with that i guess?