Op shop kilo of clothes sale

Hi all I’ve been trying to find a op shop that hosted a sale where you could pick up clothes by the kilo for a couple of bucks, I attended a few years ago maybe 2019-2020. A friend asked me one day to go with her to a particular op shop that was having a sale on, it was a kilo of clothes for $7 per kilo or around that price my memories abit fuzzy on the price I just remember the total of what I spent lol. There was rows as well as these massive cardboard circle things that just had piles of clothes in them for people to go through all of the clothes were sectioned into sizing though and into men’s/women’s/unisex categories.

I cannot for the life of me remember the op shops name or much about this sale I have tried to write down all the information I do remember, one of the things that stands out in my memory is the lady when serving us told us to go on our phones and like the Facebook page of the op shop because we had to show her the post the op shop had made about the sale in order for her to be able to let us have the sale I unfortunately don’t have access to my account I liked the page on so no help there. I also have looked up the location of where this op shop was but the op shop is no longer there or it was a pop up location for the op shop either way I can’t find anything online for it so hopefully this is my next best bet.
I would love to find something similar to this sale, if anyone can remember possibly maybe attending the same op shop at the time or just the name of the op shop, just anything really that can point me in the right direction I would be so happy and thankful. 🙏🏻

(Btw I thought I should mention before anyone says it’s that vintage sale that pops up at the uni/different locations for $50 a kilo this isn’t what I’m referring to, what I am referring to is an actual op shop business who were running a sale for a short time only and the price was $7 not $50 for a kilo of clothes).