I "have it all" but I'm drowning

On paper, I have the "American dream". I have a great husband, two beautiful children. I have a good career. I am truly grateful for everything I have, but I've never been more stressed.

I have a management level position. Revenue for the program I manage is down, mostly due to the state of the economy. So leadership brought in consultants to “fix” the program back in January. My workload has about tripled since the consultants came in. I feel like I'm under a microscope and having to justify every decision I make. It's exhausting and demoralizing. The consultants are staying through the end of the calendar year. I've begun looking for other jobs, but am having trouble finding opportunities that match my current salary.

I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. My 3 year old was diagnosed with autism in June and we're beginning therapies next month. We're grateful to have the diagnosis but it's a new layer of information that we're navigating, and also working through the logistics on how we're going to get him to appointments during the work day.

And of course the sick days. We have two toddlers in daycare, so you know how it is. Kids are sick pretty frequently. Thankfully I have an involved husband who is willing to take off his fair share of days to take care of the kids, but his job is less flexible, so we have to be mindful of his PTO. And balancing unexpected sick days with my current job demands has been challenging, to say the least.

On top of all of this, I have autoimmune diseases that have been flaring up. So I'm battling chronic inflammation and pain. I'm managing my symptoms with prednisone bursts, which if you've been on prednisone, you know how awful the side effects are. I'm exploring other medication options with my rheumatologist. I know that my stress level plays a pretty significant role in my disease activity.

I genuinely question my life decisions sometimes and wonder why I've chosen a life that is so relentless and stressful. I feel like something has to give, and I need to make lifestyle changes to ease my stress levels, but can't figure out where to start.