Why are there a lot less guilds doing raid content in the war within compared to dragonflight? This is one of the best expansions in a long time.
Wowprogress has been the website to look up guild information for over a decade. Even though its quite dated, the amount of guilds it shows doing raid content is 100% accurate.
There is about 22000 guilds total that have done some raiding this xpac (the war within), compared to 28460 guilds that did some raiding content in the first raid last xpac (dragonflight). that's almost 6500 less guilds and the next raid is about to release. That means the older raid won't update anymore.
Dragonflight was a great expansion and they they are on the correct path with the war within. These two expansions have been my favorite since MoP. Why was there such a huge drop in guilds doing raid content from last expansion despite it being extremely good?