[H] [Frostwolf US] Looking for Competent Raiders

Hello, <Bad Touch> is looking for a few more people to fill out our core raid team. In particular we are looking for a couple more healers, preferably shaman, monk, or pally and a few more dps; DK (preferably with tank OS), monk, and shaman (enh/ele; blizz may hate you but you're welcome with us) in particular. That said all serious applications will be considered.

Raid nights are Friday and Saturday, starting at 8 PM PST, until all the dragons are dead. Ideal applicants should: -Have mumble, a working headset, and a good inside voice.
-Be constantly learning about their class. You don't necessarily have to spend 30 hours a week in front of a training dummy, but you should at least know your stat priority, rotation, etc. It's 2014, Google that shit.
-Have a good attitude, be able to take criticism and follow directions.
-Be aware of your surroundings. Understand there is more to raiding then running through your rotation.
-Be prepared and on time on raid nights. If you're the type who is always late for things, not only are we not interested but you're a shitty person.
-Most importantly, have a good personality. We all play this video game a lot, and it's a lot more fun to do it with people you don't want to choke.

If interested, please contact: Meppage-Vashj Gorebeast-Frostwolf Spiritcaller-Frostwolf Mìna-Frostwolf Bullhoof-Frostwolf