One of my favorite writing/life tips - 'Rely on discipline, not motivation'
When I took a break to write, I came across this tip and it totally put things in perspective for me. We have all had this sudden burst of motivation to do something - get fitter, learn a new language or musical instrument, write a book - and we dream of that end result of a six pack or a novel but the motivation runs out pretty soon once we get to the nuts and bolts of the grind.
Discipline on the other hand is about doing the task no matter what. Whether you feel like it or not, you put your ass down and write half an hour a day if you have decided to do that. And more often than not, something will come out in that half hour. Even if it's crappy. As Jodi Picoult said, you can edit a bad page but not a blank one.
And this really worked for me too. I had been writing eight days straight, then went out to a pub and had a sloshed return. I thought my streak was done. But since I had gone 8 days straight, I didn't want to break the streak and start from zero again. So my inebriated self spent some time writing part honest, part plot related stuff and it ended up dovetailing perfectly with the portion I was working on. Moreover, that day I realized I'm serious about the novel this time.
Do you have any standout advice that worked out for you writing wise?