Is a physical reaction to sound-bath normal?
I’ve been doing yoga for a while now, both at home and several classes at my gym. While I practice pranayama and know the right limbs of yoga, I am not spiritual and have never experienced the emotional side of yoga, like some do e.g. with hip openers.
This is just to say that I am the least likely person to read a mental or physical reaction into my yoga practice.
However, the other night after a relaxing evening routine, once in bed, I put on a sound bath for chakra healing. It basically was a sequence of eight different frequencies that would each refer to one chakra.
One of those frequencies caused my stomach to churn as soon as it started, this stopped with the fading out of that frequency. Another one made my legs feel sooooo heavy. And a third frequency made me feel like I was very slowly sinking deeper, like I was laying very deep in the ground with high walls around me.
Is this what you would consider expected / normal or am I losing my marbles?