what is up with the roof of this house

is this a stylistic choice? istg ive never seen a house that looks like this. the roof looks like a big (although somewhat dangerous) water slide. plus its being sold for like almost half a million dollars. idk to me it looks like a lilsimsie build challenge og post: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/216-S-14th-Ave-Manville-NJ-08835/39897205_zpid

is this a stylistic choice? istg ive never seen a house that looks like this. the roof looks like a big (although somewhat dangerous) water slide. plus its being sold for like almost half a million dollars. idk to me it looks like a lilsimsie build challenge og post: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/216-S-14th-Ave-Manville-NJ-08835/39897205_zpid