Best romania beer
Ce abonamente mai aveți și de ce?
Am I the only one who thinks this is insane?
It's official: UV Reactive food coloring is the sh*t
50% reducere la jucarii- 29.11-05.12.2024
Informatii despre ochelari de vedere
Bloom Dates of Every Flower in My Garden- 2024 Edition (6B Southern Appalachia)
Sibiu, WTF?
O noua inselatorie ... sau e noua pentru mine.
Sinkhole Comedy
Nu mai scapam si noi de "atentii" si cadouri
Pulled C2 Nahida in one pull
Drop the username you made at 14 and relive the cringe
O lista cu adevaruri dure despre viata
Ciolacu: "Evit sa mint. Nu am lucruri de lux". El poarta pantofi de 750 de euro, dupa cum singur a recunoscut acum 2 saptamani
Went camping last week and monsieur "Orange" decided to inspect my tent
Since 5.0 is over, who did you guys end up getting in 5.0?
Has anyone else outgrown career progression as a status symbol?
Results of today's foraging
My cat's coat has darkened significantly since we adopted him a year ago.
Cat eating food
Too casual for a wedding?
Ce parere aveti de aceste stats? Credeam ca romanii citesc mai mult, sau cel putin asa pare.
Percentage of people who have read books in the past 12 months
Why ham harnesses are so popular in Teyvat?