Bad eye contact saves numerous lives.
The Rattle of Rain
Every December as a Colts fan
Insider information on the Harry Potter HBO series
Voldemort Actor Ralph Fiennes Is ‘All in Favor’ of Cillian Murphy Taking Over the ‘Harry Potter’ Villain in HBO’s TV Series: ‘He’s a Fantastic Actor’
A grown man grooms a young girl to become his wife, and then she cheats on him with himself.
I want a badass movie
If you were Katniss, would you have shot President Snow or President Coin?
it's geographically possible to travel from south africa to argentina by foot
On a 10 game losing streak and went from 1233 to 1149 in less than two hours. Hell yeah!
So this game takes place in 1890. But Prince Charles Island wasn't discovered and mapped until 1948. UNPLAYABLE
You job is to pick the most awful actor to play James Bond. Who do you pick?
Purinina, Me, Digital, 2022
Would you rather get shot in the leg (and survive) or have to listen to “Photograph” by Nickleback on repeat for the next 2 years of your waking life?
What is the most overrated artist/band in your opinion?
Is monogamy realistic?
Moonfall or What The +!@# Did I Just Watch?
TIFU by wishing on a magic meteorite
Why are the first two movies so comfy?
Which option would you choose if you had to choose?
Which of these four Indie Rock bands is the best?
TIFU by accidentally stealing a neighbor's mangoes and they've been trying to catch me for a month
TIFU by declining the receipt after depositing $1000 into an ATM
George R.R. Martin hypes up new show with Winds of Winter-baiting blog post