Okay... So how do augmentations even work?
T-corp Loophole
Why not arrows?
Healthcare CEO thingy
Alternative ranged weapons
Ok where are the outskirts really? Inside or outside this weird outer wall thing?
What you guys think should be the final boss of the series
So about boats
Are we just not gonna talk about the fact that Vena is just a female Alex Jones with a hammer?
My deltarune Theory Hottakes
The real Problem of Social Media
I need to be unbanned from the undertale subreddit
Please help
Oh boy ! More sins I was not aware of !
"Did you know they faked the moon landing. . ?"
Another piece on Trump and Ukraine
So silly
Just realized something
I have a theory about Psychopomp 2
Lore Speculation
A sad day for orks.
My tier list of all echoes
Can anyone here tell me which irl bomb looks closest to this? [401x412]