VA disability
Who are the defense attorneys you dislike the most? These two...just 🤢 I don't appreciate them, at ALL.
Help me rename this male kitten (preferably something related to Greek Gods) Brothers name is Zeus
Finished the show a few minutes ago. Some thoughts on the ending.
Yeah...I liked Nemesis for what it was(emphasis on "for what it was")...but Insurrection was better.
Which faction is coming out victorious?
I have had my kitty for a while. But now I feel like her name doesn't suit her. What would you name this kitty?
Drop a performance that deserved an Oscar, but didn’t get one.
Why is Theodore Roosevelt so respected by both sides of the aisle?
Worst coaches in your team’s history.
What star ship class would you prefer to serve a potential 5-year mission on?
Character you didn’t like at all?
Buffy tattoo?
Where do you rank Ronald Reagan? I have him in A tier.
Saw these at Wal-Mart today, aren't they what the inmates used to drink at Oz?
Law and Order life lesson?
Does Riker just have free reign to mac and shag anyone that comes onboard the Enterprise? Are there any rules of engagement?
What other storylines of body switches, good or evil alter egos etc, would you have liked to see?
(Enterprise 2001 series) Why did this person died?
Why keep it a secret?
Pancake Pat reupped
Eventually TNG getting the SNW Treatment
Elon Musk points finger at Ukraine for X 'cyberattack'
Favorite quotes from GoT?
Judd Nelson could have replaced Charlie and it would have been hilarious.