Please stop acting like this 🥲🥲🥲
Art of Animation vs. Swan Reserve
19f how can I improve?
If you need a laugh…
Why are they like this?
Beast kink...
anyone know what happened at sainsbury’s tn?
ummm what's goin on
Hygiene fail AGAIN
Should I see him? Something feels off
Client wants to hangout?
The audacity 😂
I’m new at this I feel like this is to fake but I know around the holidays men feel extra alone
Wants a duo, but doesn't want to screen 🙄
Good lord 🤪
How do I shot web?
How do you deal with clients who overthink to the point of ruining their own experience?
Advice for First Three-Day-Booking
Pet Names 🤮
UK Cash Deposits
For no good reason, I'm texting all my clients.
Are yall okay with lower-income clients?!
Disgusting lmao. So many of these people really need to lay off the porn videos. This isn't how you contact someone to book a session.