Which ski resort if you don't ski?
Modern version of Railroad Tycoon with heavy focus on story/scenario
Didn’t know Frankfurt(Hahn) was 120 KMs away from Frankfurt
Weekly Question and Answer Thread: Ask your Moving, Visiting, Neighborhood, and "Where Can I Find _____" questions here, instead of making a new post
Day trip on Jan 1st without a car?
Welcher Anbieter um PC bauen zu lassen?
Howto start a service after file system is available
How can the German healthcare system be fixed?
Is there something like "auto adjust" to quickly improve video light/contrast/color?
Ampel-Aus: FDP veröffentlicht D-Day-Papier
pair (or confirm pairing of) XBox Controller
Picking the right/best hardware
What is this "comb effect" I sometimes see in video files
In your opinion, what is the greatest threat to global peace right now?
Use VPN manager without keyring
Default permissions for newly created dirs on mounted file system
How to create tiles with 3D effect (I mean actual tiles, like you have in the bathroom)
Very slow guest upload speeds
Persistent notifications/tasks on lockscreen
Gboard: Punctuation symbols in url/search field
Grocy adds wrong units from recipies to shopping list if "Only check if any amount is in stock" is selected
Vegetarian Meze in Nicosia?
Seller: How can you give free shipping to a buyer?
Which advanced country is stuck in the past?
What option might either Sonarr or Prowlarr cause to store torrent-files on disk?